First off, huge thanks goes to Alyssa @ Insanity Inc. for tagging me. I love quizzes almost as much as I love books, so when you combine the two…needless to say, this one did not disappoint.
1.) If you could invite one author and one of their fictional characters to tea, who would you invite and what would you serve them?
I couldn't pick just one character, so: I’d invite J.R.R. Tolkien and the entire Fellowship of the Ring, plus Eowyn. I’d serve them lemon scones with clotted cream, which we'd eat while swapping stories in front of a toasty fire.
2.) What book do you wish the author would write a prequel for?
A Discworld prequel, featuring any of the characters as kids, but especially Sam Vimes or Lord Vetinari.
3.) Which two characters (NOT from the same book) do you think would make a good couple?
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) and Nobody Owens (The Graveyard Book). Bod is a free spirit and a loner; I feel like Luna’s more outgoing personality would complement his pretty well. Plus, she’d find his supernatural backstory (raised by a vampire, a werewolf, and a family of ghosts) fascinating.
4.) If you ran into your favorite author on the subway and could only say one sentence to them, who is it and what would it be?
There’s no way I could pick a favorite author. (J.K. Rowling, maybe? Or S.E. Hinton?) But if I actually worked up the courage to say anything, it would be pretty standard: “I love your books!” or “Please sign this napkin.” More likely, I would just stare and hyperventilate from afar.
5.) What book made you a reader and why?
The first book I remember reading by myself and actually enjoying was Inspector Hopper. I also loved The Chronicles of Narnia and The Royal Diaries and Dear America series.
6.) Incendio! Your bookshelf just caught fire! Which is the one book you would save?
My copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I’m very attached to it, in spite (or because) of the fact that it’s ripped in half and held together with about a pound of scotch tape.
7.) Which dystopian world would you want to live in and why?
Pre-Return of the King Gondor. It’s about the only place were I’d have even a slight chance of survival.
8.) What is your most Epic Read of all time?
Recently, it’s been Betwixt and Between by Jessica Stilling. It’s a retelling of Peter Pan that feels slightly off and otherworldly from the beginning, and gets at the sadness of the story in an absolutely gut-wrenching way. I read it in three days and cried at least once on every one of those days.
I tag Kelsey @ The Book of Kels and Rebecca @ The Silver Flute to answer these questions. Don't do it unless you want to, but I'd love to see your answers!
What’s your most Epic Read? Let me know in the comments!
I'm glad you like doing these! *makes note to repeatedly tag you for everything* Definitely the Fellowship and Eowyn would be fun to have lunch with, although I wouldn't serve them food - I'd demand the hobbits to bring food and Legolas to bring lembas. No point wasting the chance to eat Middle-Earth stuffs XD
ReplyDeleteLiterally NO ONE can decide who their fav author is. And I quite like your interpretation of pre-ROTK Gondor as a dystopian -- really interesting, since I haven't thought much about that time period + place. Lovely answers :D
I'm glad you like doing these! *makes note to repeatedly tag you for everything* Definitely the Fellowship and Eowyn would be fun to have lunch with, although I wouldn't serve them food - I'd demand the hobbits to bring food and Legolas to bring lembas. No point wasting the chance to eat Middle-Earth stuffs XD
ReplyDeleteLiterally NO ONE can decide who their fav author is. And I quite like your interpretation of pre-ROTK Gondor as a dystopian -- really interesting, since I haven't thought much about that time period + place. Lovely answers :D
Gondor might not technically count, since it's from a fantasy, but living next door to Mordor sounds pretty dystopian to me :) Plus, in the movies, all the women wear basically the same uniform--dark robes and headscarves. It's like there's some sort of city-wide dress code. That's always stuck out to me, for some reason. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed my answers--thanks for commenting!
DeleteThe dreaded question: What would you say upon meeting your favorite author?
ReplyDeleteThat question always scares me. It's my greatest dream to meet my favorite author, and yet my greatest fear. I'd probably faint. Or scream. Or hide. Maybe all three. :P
It really is a horrible question! I've never had one favorite author, so I couldn't even begin to decide--but whoever I met, I'd probably end up screaming, hiding, and fainting too :) Thanks for commenting!