Reading: The Artemis Fowl series, The Walking Dead volumes 1
& 2, loads of Bruce Coville short stories.
Discovering: A new favorite flavor of tea—jasmine.
Buying: Gel pens.
Rediscovering: How hard writing can be. It’s not something you
ever really forget, but every so often it comes back full force to punch you in
the gut.
Doodling: All over church bulletins. It actually helps me
concentrate during sermons.
Wishing: For hot cocoa.
Waiting: For autumn. Especially October. Especially
Finishing: Editing a ghost story. I’m still not completely
satisfied with it—I never am—but it feels good to be finishing something.
Journaling: Almost every day. My entries are as boring as
you’d expect.
Listening: To “Scrooge” from A Muppet Christmas Carol. Best.
Song. Ever.
Starting: To use a planner. We’ll see how it goes.
All pictures via Pinterest.
Oh, I love gel pens so much. They are so smooth and pretty and somehow they make writing just a little bit more fun. It seems that every time I sit down to write I realize all over again just how difficult writing is, how hard it is to get voice and characters and plot and worldbuilding right all at the same time. And it seems that the better I get, the harder it gets, which is tough but also kind of...satisfying? It's amazing that you journal everyday. I can never seem to get in the habit of doing so regularly. I'll do it for maybe two months and then I'll break the streak and I'll just stop. *sighs*
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right--the better I get at writing, the more critical I become of my own work, so it gets harder to just sit down and WRITE. It is more satisfying, though. I feel like I've only just got to the point where I can really put what I'm feeling into words. It's an amazing feeling :)
DeleteOoooh your pictures are so prettyyy. *grabby hands* Gel pens are just my favorite, Artemis Fowl is also my favorite, and I've just crept into your blog and discovered that it is awesome. *high fives*
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! I don't think I've ever read a series more awesome than Artemis Fowl--nothing compares to it. The same goes for gel pens!
DeleteArtemis Fowl! Yes yes yes yes! :D :D :D Writing definitely brings a hardness, but I hope you get through it happily and okay as soon as possible. :) Also, I hope that using a planner helps you stay organized this fall. :)
ReplyDeleteThe hardest part of writing, for me, at least, is how much it causes me to question myself and my abilities to tell a good story. I've been getting a lot of that lately, but it's getting better :) And my planner organizational method has been going surprisingly well so far! Thanks for commenting!
DeleteYour new gel pens though! Perfect for back to school time. And jasmine tea is quite lovely, although I prefer mikam honey myself. OH AND GHOST STORIES YAYYY. Do let us know if you post it online, I'd love to read it!
ReplyDeleteI'm already having way more fun than I should with the gel pens :) And ooh, mikam honey tea sounds delicious! I'll have to see if I can find some.
DeleteDUDE. You should really share some of those gel pens. *puppy eyes* Pretty please? ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just got Artemis Foul from the library, so looks like we'll be reading those together. I've heard lots of good things, and am hoping they'll meet my hopes for it. :D
Oooh, I really hope you enjoy the Artemis Fowl books! They are some of my all-time favorites, no question, and also some of the funniest books I have ever read.
DeleteOF COURSE you can share my gel pens :) There's something about them that just makes writing 10x more fun.