Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Taking Stock: December





Savoring: The last few weeks of Christmas break; my new lemon-tea-scented candle.
Waiting: For snow.
Thinking: About fixing myself a cup of hot cocoa.
Reading: Li’l Gotham, volumes 1 & 2 (these stories are hilarious and adorable and BEAUTIFULLY illustrated—I can’t get enough of them); The Magician King (even better than The Magicians); Every Word (perfection).
Worrying: About 2016. Lots of things will be changing for me, and I’m both super excited and super stressed.
Binge-watching: The X-Files on Christmas Eve. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Writing: Very little this month. I’m not sure if it’s writer’s block or good old-fashioned laziness, but lately putting words on paper has felt like filtering Jell-O through a sieve (or some other equally bad metaphor).
Deciding: To make some New Year’s resolutions this time around. They might not stick, but it’s worth a shot.
Eating: Christmas leftovers.
Wishing: You all a happy New Year and a (belated) merry Christmas! Blogging has been such a wonderful experience, and I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to read my posts. You guys are beyond lovely. 

All pictures via Pinterest.


  1. I AM ALSO STILL WAITING FOR SNOW. *huffs* I mean, seriously. This is Canada, people. Let's go!

    Also, very glad to hear that I'm not the only one struggling to put words on the page (or screen, in most cases). Can we agree that it's December and things will be better in January?

    Happy new year to you, too -- enjoy those leftovers!!

    1. Writng is wonderful, but it can be so, so hard--it's encouraging to hear that I'm not the only one who struggles :) I hope we both get inspired and productive in the New Year.

  2. *offers hugs because 2016 stress is soooo real.*

  3. Sorry things have been stressful... I'll be praying for you, Alex my friend. ^^
    Wishing you a year of exciting possibilities and lovely surprises-

    1. Thanks so much; I could use some prayers right now :) I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  4. Hot cocoa sounds fabulous, so stop thinking and start drinking (huh, that could be an alcohol ad slogan but IT'S NOT. IT'S FOR CHOCOLATE.) I'm sorry to hear you're going through a writing slump, but hey, blogging is writing, and you wrote this post, so I'm sure you'll get back on track in no time. Sending you tea and takeout for the stress, but I'm sure the stress will pay off :D

    1. "Stop thinking and start drinking"--I love it :) I'm seriously hoping that the stress will pay off--it's a great motivator, if nothing else. Thanks for the encouragement about writing, and I hope you have a fantastic new year!

  5. Yup yup yup, worrying about 2016 is one of my *favourite past times*, this year lots of things will change for me but I DON'T WANT ANY OF THEM TO HAPPEN BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GET OLDER AND blegh. Life eh. ;)
    Happy blogging and happy new year!

    1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm excited for 2016, but at the same time I don't want anything to change, and the feelign that you're getting older and have to be responsible is so stressful. But I know it'll all be worth it in the end. Happy blogging & new year to you too!

  6. Aah, most of this post sounds so relaxing and cozy and wintry (snow and candles and cocoa and books)...except for the whole stressed-about-2016 thing. (And the not-writing thing, which is a bit of a bummer, too.) I'm sorry to hear you're stressed, but I hope everything turns out well for you and 2016 treats you better than expected! I also hope you've been enjoying the new year thus far (almost a week in already, can you believe it?) and that you find yourself back to writing and enjoying it again soon. :) Hugs--and a belated Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks! 2016 hasn't been too terrible so far, so I'm hopeful :) Writing has been going a bit better as well, which is nice. I hope you have a wonderful New Year, too!
