Sometimes I miss the days when I could pick up just about any book and enjoy it. The problem with reading a lot is that you start to develop taste. There’s nothing wrong with taste per se, but once you have it you can’t enjoy a book unless it either lives up to your expectations or surpasses them. I’ve read some pretty good books recently, but now I’m having trouble finding new ones.
Plus, they’re certain times when I don’t feel that motivated to read--either because I’m doing a lot of writing and can’t stand the sight of more words, or because I’m having trouble finding stories that interest me. Right now it’s a bit of a combination of both. So here are some of the books I hope to/wish I could read. Hopefully one of them can break me out of the cycle.

Ross Poldark by Winston Graham
My sister has already read this and assures me it’s wonderful. I’ve been a historical-romance mood since I finished Outlander, and I liked the TV series, so I’ve already put this on hold at my library. At the very least I’ll get to imagine Aidan Turner as I read, so there’s really no way this could go wrong.

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusack
I’m working my way through this one, and so far it’s been...okay. I feel bad because it’s very well-written and has all the elements I usually like in a book--big ensemble cast, lots of complicated relationships, an unexpected style--but so far I’m not wowed by it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
My reread of the series stalled out at this one, and I need to jump back in.

Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Another hold. When it comes to fairy tales, I’m more of a Brothers Grimm girl--most of Hans Christian Andersen’s stories are very dark and depressing. (I don’t mind the dark; just the depressing.) They’re also a little too moralising for my taste. But this edition is illustrated by Kay Nielsen, one of my favorite artists, so I’m excited to give it a try.
How do you guys deal with book slumps? Do you have any book recommendations?
For me, book slumps seem to be inevitable and I need an amazing book to draw me out of it. Which means they can last for ages if I am not careful. I can totally understand what you mean about The Book Thief, though! I read it expecting it to be this emotional glory, but I didn't find it particularly enthralling, to me, anyway. Maybe you'll enjoy the end a little more?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's just a case of wrong book wrong time, but I'm not especially enjoying it. I don't hate it, and it's obviously well-written, but somehow I'm not connecting.
DeleteYou're right--one good book (but it has to be really good) is all I need to get me out of a reading slump. Hopefully one of these will do the trick.
I have a confession. Several years back when the movie was in post I tried reading Book Thief and... I didn't get that far into it. The book gets so much praise- I feel like I've committed a literary sin! Maybe I should've given it a better chance.
ReplyDeleteIt can be tough getting out of a reading slump. And I get that whole " doing a lot of writing and can’t stand the sight of more words". It's been a while since I've been so entrenched in writing for this to be the case, but when it was I found it helpful to just switch to comics for a while.
Recommendations... I would suggest "The Glass Sentence" by S.E. Grove (which I will soon be rereading) but it's actually more of a slow-build epic... Wonderful, but a thickish read.
I've heard that The Glass Sentence is good. I'll have to check it out! A thickish read sounds exactly right; I'd like a book I can really sink into.
DeleteI do plan on giving The Book Thief another try some time, but for now I'm putting it aside because I just can't get into it and I don't want to force myself to read it to the point that I end up hating it. It's a really well-written book, and I'd like to give it a fair chance.
EW, BOOK SLUMPS. I am allll over this one (unfortunately!!) I struggle to find ways to yank myself out of it... asking friends for recommendations is always a good idea, since they usually know what you'll like. I also think sometimes just going to the library and picking titles at random can be helpful! I've gotten lucky that way before!
ReplyDeleteYep, I probably just need to browse through my library. I have started a Tana French mystery that looks intesresting, and my copy of Poldark arrived from the library, so hopefully they'll help. I hope your book slump ends soon--things are so blah without a good book to read.
DeleteI've been struggling with this problem so much lately! It kills me not being able to fly through books like I used to; now I get a ways in and realize I'm just reading for the sake of reading and not captivated at all, and that drives me crazy. So far I haven't figured out a solution for book slumps, other than waiting them out. For now I'm keeping myself entertained with Animal Crossing New Leaf...
ReplyDeleteThe Book Thief gave me a lot of feels, but not my favorite...I'm not sure I'll ever reread it. If I'm in the mood for post-war angst and historicalness I'd rather go for The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society any day.
I've heard really good things about The Glass Sequence! So far I've gotten it out of the library several times but haven't managed to sit down and read it yet.
Reading just for the sake of reading is hard...I don't have to adore a book, but some part of it does need to grab me. So far I've discovered that reading mysteries has helped me in my slump; even if the characters aren't my favorite, it's fun to work on the puzzle.
DeleteYep, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is wonderful. I might try to read The Book Thief some other time, but for now I'm putting it aside because I just can't seem to get into it.
I felt the same way about The Book Thief -- the writing was gorgeous, but I just didn't feel very impacted by it? At least, not in the way everyone else seemed to feel. (I really enjoyed I Am The Messenger, though, the other book by that author.)
ReplyDeleteLove how this is turning into a confessional for everyone who was less than enthralled by The Book Thief. :) I've heard I Am The Messenger is really good, and I'd like to give it a try.