Sunday, May 1, 2016

After the End

Or, finals are over and I have no idea what to do with myself. This is the first weekend in months that I don’t have homework I could/should be doing. It’s a bizarre feeling. I’ve been trying to catch up on reading, which helps--I just finished Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire. It’s a middle-grade Regency steampunk set on Mars, and exactly as much fun as it sounds. Very Diana Wynne Jones-esque, which is one of the highest compliments I can give to a book.

During summer, I always promise myself that I’ll read a bunch of books and write a bunch of stories before deciding that I’d much rather binge watch Supernatural for three months straight. So, yeah, I’m not expecting to be super-productive this time around, but I am hoping to keep up with writing and blogging. Maybe cook something. This morning I had avocado on toast, which is probably the closest I’ve come to cooking anything all semester. Still, it was delicious.

I’ve also resolved to not start a project unless it’s something I honestly want to write. I have a habit of starting projects more out of a compulsion to just write something than because I love (or even like) the idea itself. Sometimes it works, but mostly I end up with a bunch of soulless, half-finished drafts. Obviously I don’t have to be wildly in love with an idea from the get-go, but there needs to be a spark of something--a sentence, a mood, a character--for me to work with.

And, yep, still working on the scarf. IT WILL NEVER BE DONE.

All pictures belong to their original owners.


  1. Hope you find some relaxation after all your hard work- and then that you discover something fun to set your writing-hands to for the summer. Even if it's just something smaller (that I can read and delight in). ^^

    1. I hope you find some time to work on projects you love, too. I've been getting ideas and even working on a few things, so I have hope that this summer might be a bit more productive than last time.

  2. Oh my gosh that book sounds perfect o.o I'm going to find it and read it now. xD

  3. I've been scrolling through my bloglovin feed today and thinking that EVERYONE has a truly amazing post up today, and your blog is no exception! A few of your sentences made me smile "This morning I had avocado on toast, which is probably the closest I’ve come to cooking anything all semester. Still, it was delicious." Lol!!

    Good luck with your scarf! Mine's not done either :p

    1. Thanks! If I'm lucky, my scarf will be finished by next winter.

  4. That sounds like a good book. Also, I know what you mean about not feeling very productive. It's like, "I SHOULD be productive but here is the TV, which is much more fun." Blah. I hope that you can find a good balance throughout the summer! :)

    1. Yesterday I marathoned Law & Order: SVU and The X-Files and barely wrote anything. But I'm going to try to get more done today, so we'll see. Secrets of the Dragon Tomb was probably one of the best books I've read in a while. Completely bizarre, but in the best way.

  5. SOME DAYS ARE JUST MADE FOR MARATHONING TV and unwinding the mind. x) I'm glad to hear that you survived finals!! Also that book sounds like so much fun omg. " I have a habit of starting projects more out of a compulsion to just write something than because I love (or even like) the idea itself." <<< this is me I think. xD I don't get it so much with actually starting the writing process (idk i'm not as brave as you are) but I just plot plot plot until I'm like, "wait. Do I really want to write this or...? AM I JUST GETTING EXCITED FOR NO REASON AS USUAL." xD idk it's kind of a problem.

    *eats waffles and ignores life as we know it*

    1. I just want to write so badly that sometimes I'll settle for an idea that's good, but not right for me right now. I wish I was more of a plotter, so I could realize it sooner...but I tend to jump in right away and only realize it a couple days/weeks in.
      Thanks! Finals were tough, but I ended up coming out alive. :) Some days are made for just relaxing, and I'm trying to remember that, especially since it's summer. Thanks so much for commenting!
